
Private Classes.


Baby Care Class
(two hours) $250

If only babies came with instruction manuals! In this class we will discuss the practical side of caring for your newborn including what to expect in the hospital and at home, how to recognize normal newborn behavior, soothing techniques, diapering, bathing, and a short discussion on breastfeeding.  I highly encourage this class to be paired with a couple hours of postpartum doula time for soon after you get home with the baby.  It's one thing to practice, it's another thing to practice with YOUR baby!

Breastfeeding Class
(two hours) $250

Life can be both challenging and rewarding. Breastfeeding is no different! In this class we will review how milk production works, what to expect in the hospital, the most effective and simple positions for breastfeeding your newborn, how to read your baby's cues, strategies on sleep, how to know if baby is getting enough, and when necessary how to make more milk. I recommend pairing this class with a couple of hours of postpartum doula support for the first day or two after getting home from the hospital.  Over the years I've found there's nothing so overwhelming as that first day at home. Trying to adjust to everything new without the help of a nurse, midwife, or doula is challenging.  Let's make sure together you and your little one have a successful start to this nurturing relationship!

Full Childbirth
Preparation Class -$675

Up to 6 hours of one-on-one time covering the following:
Healthy pregnancy practices that help lead to optimal birth outcomes
The normal phases and stages of childbirth
Comfort measures, positions, and techniques to encourage relaxation and labor progress
Common variations of normal and how to work with them
Common hospital interventions and policies
Postpartum recovery, healing, emotions, and expectations
Discovering your birth preferences and creating a birth plan that will get read!

This class is full of useful information. However my biggest goal is to work with you to discover what's most important to you about your pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum, and then working with you on a plan for how to get there!

Childbirth Refresher
Class - $350

Up to three hours tailored to your individual questions and what you desire to discuss and review. Common topics discussed are sibling preparation, postpartum healing, and questions or clarification you have on previous birth experiences.  Some comfort measures are reviewed and practiced.  If additional time is needed for comfort measures, a Comfort Measures Practice Session can be added at a discount.

Comfort Measures
Practice Session - $250

Two hours geared towards those who have taken Childbirth Preparation classes before, or who want additional time working through positions for labor comfort and progress. We review the natural flow of hormones in labor and how to facilitate this.  We work together to help find a rhythm of coping techniques like vocalization, touch relaxation, and visualization.  We practice various massage techniques and create a list of favorites, along with a simple recipe of positions and techniques for your partner to follow while supporting your labor.

Birth Story Listening
(two hours) - $125

Your birth story is important.  Many women have very positive memories and feelings about the birth of their child. Others have numbness, questions, anger, or confusion. For some it's a jumble of both.  We are told in our culture that "Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby" are the only important things about birth, but the truth is that what happened to you, how you feel about it, and being able to process with someone in a safe, respectful, and understanding way are extremely important to your emotional and physical health. For many women talking through the story of their little baby's birth is just the thing to help them feel understood, accepted, and free to move forward into motherhood. 

Birth Plan Writing Session (two hours) - $225

Knowing what you want for your birth can feel daunting.  Trying to articulate it in a birth plan can feel overwhelming.  I'm here to help!  Explaining common procedures, walking through a typical hospital admittance process with you, and helping you craft a meaningful birth plan that will get read, and that you will feel empowered by, is the purpose of this session.

Phone and Video Consultations - $90/hour

I'm available to process ideas, refer for specific conditions, and walk through common pregnancy, postpartum, or mommy/baby concerns and solutions. Consultations are billed in 20-minute increments. For existing clients, the discounted rate is $75/hr.